There are some excellent nuggets in this scripture but GT focuses on just one point
Who knows the SVP of GM in 1960?
Who know who was the best doctor in Memphis or the US in 1950 – more than one or two?
Who knows the fashion guru of 1960?
Who knows if your great grandfather x 5 was fit or fat?
Good at golf or chess?
If you are in a believing church, full of grace and the Holy Spirit, he and she were good enough patents!
Gary Thomas says, "Only after we embrace our historical insignificance are we free to concentrate on very real, eternal relational significance."
- I matter to my wife
- I am very important to my children
- I have a secure standing with the God most high
- What else do you need????
Why not focus on where I/we matter
Scripture lauds just one hero - who?
God Himself
When Abraham took things into his own hands? He created a conflict that still lasts today in the friction between Ishmael (Muslims) and Isaac (Christians/Jews)
You can't improve your own situation ----
- Why can’t you improve your situation????
You are already a Prince or Princess in the Kingdom of God…how can it get any better????
- Abraham and Sarah did have the right goal - they wanted to be tree planters not big trees themselves
- He was always asking what good is all this blessing if I can't pass it on
- lets look at what God said to Moses in Exodus 10 1-2
- God will perform these miraculous that you will tell your children and grandchildren
- what else matters????
- what else do you need to do for your kids?
Mothers and Fathers if all you did was faithfully raise a disciple maker to pass the Word on to the generations that would be fabulous
But we do so much what is it we are doing????
What are the other things we are doing???
The important thing to take from this chapter is the lack of significance and historical significance in chasing things others than the Lord, His Word and the souls of man
Only thing that matters is Him, His Word and making disciples
Simple Math - 1 in 10 billion or 1 in 10 million are our chances of being remembered by anybody but our family in 50-100 years
Gary Thomas says, "to me Genesis 5 says I was made to enjoy and serve my God, enjoy my wife, invest a lot of time with my kids, and then welcome death as my part in getting out of the way so other can be born live and do the same"
But what about the verses….. that say put aside your family…is this inconsistent?
This chapter – focused on your relationships with your family and raising the next generatation
Enjoy and be with our God and His Word
Next – the Family Mission
Home >>>> Church >>>> Neighbors >>>> City >>>> Nation >>>> World
Even to the ends of the earth …starting with
Believing and enjoying the Gospel ….not from guilt or performance
But from Love and Prayer …and Mission
Paul says it this way
The verse that makes it all clear is Philippians 1:21
“For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
What does this mean???
What do we see???
Desire to want and be with Christ!!!!
But stay back only for the mission!!!!
This is how you were made!!!!
Let’s start by pushing one personal goal aside this week and spending it making disciples in hour home
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