Tuesday, February 21, 2012

John Stott's Sermon on the Mount Study Ch. 12 - Making the Choice of a Lifetime

The Danger of a Merely Verbal Profession (Matt 7:21-23)

How do the people Jesus is referencing here address Him?

The doubling of the address - "Lord, Lord" - is an OT Hebraism meaning an address of intimacy!

These people are addressing Jesus in the final day of judgement thinking that they are true believers and have an intimate relationship with Him!

In the opinion of R.C. Sproul, these are some of the scariest verses in all of Scripture (Luke 13:24-28 are same); I happen to agree with him!

Here's the dilemma: according to Paul (Rom 10:9-10), we must have a verbal confession and the verbal confession Jesus describes here appears to admirable.

Stott says, "What these people stress as they speak to Christ on judgement day is the name in which they have ministered....And yet everything is wrong because it is talk without much truth, profession without reality."

Again, we come back to a heart issue. This is not about judging others - we saw that "good" trees bear "good" fruit. We don't need to worry about others. Their true natures will be revealed in time; as we said last week, fruit takes time to ripen and it takes time to become rotten.

What Jesus wants us to look at is our own hearts; so, what is it in these verses that these people claim to have done?

They have ministered by: 1) casting out demons, 2) prophesied, and 3) done many wonders

- We can be vigilant servants (In the community)
- We could be faithful servants in the church (standing up here teaching)
- We could be always visiting widows and tending to orphans

All of these things without a regenerated heart is rubbish!

I Corinthians 13:1 - "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."

Jesus tells us that these people who come to him will be "many;" this may very well mean that some of the people we know today in churches all across this city could be among this group

Even worse, these people think they have an intimate relationship with Christ and yet Jesus says He will tell them "I never knew you."

This is all the more reason to guard our hearts and humble ourselves in reliance on Christ and not on our works

Foundations and the Storms that Will Come (Matt 7:24-28)

What is the challenge Christ gives us as He wraps-up the SOM?
- Be Hearers - how do we do this?
Be in worship hearing the word; read and study the Word; be engaged in fellowship - hearing Christ at all times
- Be Doers - how do we do this?
Be humbled by the Word, by Christ's love for us, and Do what He has asked us to to; and what is that? - exactly what we talked about earlier: be servants in the community, be servants in the church, and love and help others.

So what's the difference - we do these things not to get credit, to be seen, or to gain favor among men; but out of love for what Christ has already done for us

We want to complain about our blessings, judge others when they receive Christ's blessings, instead of just being satisfied with the grace we have been given - He has already done all of the work for us - we cannot earn anything; our works should be the outpouring of our gracious heart, not to earn anything

Lastly, we are given the perfect contrast between those who are actual doers of what Jesus has taught in SOM and those who are not

We know that storms will come - we know this from what Scripture tells us, and...we know this from our experiences, don't we?

Jesus is telling us the storms will come, so how do we combat the storms?

He is the foundation; Scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:19-21 - "Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, 20 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom every building having been fitly framed together, grows into a holy sanctuary in the Lord"

If our lives are built upon Christ, His truth, His grace we can and will weather any storm that comes!

We see at the end of verse 27, that the fall of the house of those without Christ is total and final
What a great promise we have in God's grace and what peace we ought to have that He is the foundation of all things and the calm during the storm


As we wrap up this wonderful study, we are reminded in the last 2 verses that the people were amazed at the teachings of Christ and at His authority

Do we lose that amazement from time-to-time? We ought not to and that's probably why the storms come - to remind us of our dependence on Him and His grace which is nothing short of amazing

Dietrich Bonhoffer - "For all my loneliness, I was quite pleased with myself.  Then the Bible, and in particular the Sermon on the Mount, freed me from that.  Since then everything has changed.  I have felt this plainly, and so have other people about me.  It was a great liberation.  It became clear to me that the life of a servant of Jesus Christ must belong to the Church, and step by step it became plainer to me how far that must go."

The SOM is life changing and if we are indeed hearers and doers we will exhibit a Christian counter-culture. We have to live our lives in complete reliance on Christ and He will put us in the places, ministries, and touching the lives of the people He choses us to serve.

John Stott's Sermon on the Mount Study Ch. 11 - Detecting the Lise of Our World

John Stott: Sermon on the Mount Ch. 11 - Detecting the Lies of Our World

The Lie of the Mountain of Faith (Matt 7:13-14)

Jesus uses two metaphors here – Narrow Gate & Broad Way

It has been estimated that there are over 3,000 organized religions in the world; Philip Ryken quoted this twice during the CLC: Jim Carey - "I'm a Buddist, I'm a Muslim, I'm a Christian. I'm whatever you want me to be. It all comes down to the same thing."

Stott says, "In our consumer-oriented society, people would like the opportunity to combine elements of several religions or even to design one of their own, but Jesus will not allow us this comfortable option."

What Stott is describing here is termed "syncretism" (“Syncretism is the process by which elements of one religion are assimilated into another religion resulting in a change in the fundamental tenets or nature of those religions. It is the union of two or more opposite beliefs, so that the synthesized form is a new thing. It is not always a total fusion, but may be a combination of separate segments that remain identifiable compartments.”)

Recent survey that 25% of Americans who identify themselves as "Born-Again Christians" also believe it doesn't matter what faith a person has because all religions basically teach the same thing. This would be the Broad Way.

- Take away God's control
- Provide an easier route
- Allow for more to enter heaven
- Pride - "I'm in control of my destiny"

In what sense is the gate of Christianity small and the road narrow?

- There is but one way - Christ
- There is but one truth - not as appealing or easy

Ironic - recent study showed that of those polled who should be the next president, between Obama, Republican candidate, or Tim Tebow, Tebow was the clear winner.

Why? I think it's because the world, while it hates the narrow way and those who adopt it, the world recognizes the need for truth, integrity, and honor. They see these things in Tebow more so than the politicians running for the highest office!

Romans 8:22-23 "And we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruit of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, awaiting adoption, the redemption of our body."

Matthew Henry: "There are two ways...the way to heaven and the way to hell...there is no middle place."

False Prophets (Matt 7:15-16)

Why does Jesus warn us about false prophets at this particular point?

One of the major characteristics of false prophets in OT "amoral optimism" - insisting that God's way was really the broad way; they denied that God was a God of judgment as well as a God of love/mercy.

False prophets lull people to sleep in their sins...
"Your mind will be framed by those things it is exposed to." - Sandy Wilson

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, 12 so that all those who do not believe the truth, but delight in unrighteousness, might be condemned."

Matthew Henry on I John 4:1 - "false teachers speak of the world according to its maxims and tastes, so as not to offend carnal men."

If we are not constantly immersed in the Word, growing in Worship, and flourishing in Fellowship, we will easily be lulled away from repentance and slowly believe our own actions or fame can save us

Jesus describes the false prophets as coming in "sheep's clothing."

False prophets blur the issue of salvation; they distort the Gospel, contradict Jesus, and assert that the "broad road" does not lead to destruction

Sound familiar? - Genesis 3:2-5 "And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. But of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Is it any wonder Jesus likens false prophets to "ferocious wolves"? They are responsible for leading people to the very destruction which they say does not exist - just like the first lie by the father of lies in the Garden of Eden.

2 Corinthians 11:14 "Did not even Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?"

1 Peter 5:8-9 "Be sensible and vigilant, because your adversary the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone he may devour..."

"By their fruits you will know them" - what does Jesus mean? What kind of fruit does Jesus have in mind?

Stott says this is Not only character, but manner of life

Matt 12:33-35 - "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."

Stott also states that "fruit" takes time to grow; by the same token, it may take time to see the "fruit" of the false prophets in order to identify them as such

Good tree, Good fruit (Matt 7:11-20)

How do we know if a tree is good and is bearing good fruit?

Stott suggests that the "fruit" test is a complicated one; As we have stated, fruit takes time to grow and ripen; we as Christians do not always exhibit good "fruit" all the time do we?

According to Stott, we need to examine it closely, as fruit might look tasty from a distance, until we get closer and realize it is actually rotten. Another analogy from Stott, "Even at close quarters we may at first miss the symptoms of disease in the tree or the presence of maggot in the fruit."

The Pharisees thought that they could manage behavior and thus good fruit would result; again, it's about the heart.

Jesus is telling us here that whatever is going on INSIDE the tree determines what kind of fruit it produces.

Romans 8:5 "For they who are according to the flesh mind the things of flesh, but they who are according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit."

Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."


So - how do we exhibit good fruit and avoid the false prophets?

What do we say is our purpose in life - "Glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
But, how do we accomplish this?

R. C. Sproul loves to quote Martin Luther that the chief end of man is to live "Coram Deo (write on the board)," which means "before the face of God"

Instead of living to appease our boss, our friends, those whom we want to impress, what we need to be doing is living as if we are standing in the presence of God at all times.

This is how we glorify God because we will be living to please Him and honor Him instead of feeding our own egos or those whom we seek to impress.

There has to be a change of heart - we must be pure in our worship, in our immersion into the Scriptures, and in our love for one another.

John 13:34-35 "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. As I have loved you, you should also love one another. By this all shall know that you are My disciples, if you have love toward one another."