Monday, October 25, 2010

John Stott's "Jesus Christ" - Lesson 1

I. Introduction
  1. There are over 100 names for Jesus in the Old & New Testament
  2. The book of Matthew was written for the church at Antioch - Jewish & Gentile audience
  3. Matthew establishes Jesus' birth, life, & ministry as a fulfillment of the OT

II. Matthew 1:1-17 - Fulfillment of Prophecy

  1. Matthew traces Jesus' lineage back to Abraham & David - fulfillment of OT
  2. Jesus is identified as "Christ" or "Messiah," which means anointed one
  3. As anointed one, just as in the OT, He fulfills the offices of prophet, priest, and king

III. Matthew 5:17-20 - Fulfillment of the Law

  1. Jesus states He is the fulfillment of the Law
  2. The Law is to be accomplished in its entirety; Jesus was not there to destroy the Law
  3. Jesus calls out the Pharisees by declaring them unrighteous based on their hearts

IV. Matthew 21:28-45 - Fulfillment of the True Israel

  1. Jesus declares harlots & tax collectors as more worthy of heaven than the chief theologians of the day (the Pharisees)
  2. The Pharisees plot even more against Jesus after He convicts them and calls them out
  3. Do we repeat this same behavior today?

V. Take-away

  1. What are we to do about the Lord and His ministry? - Look at the Ascension (Acts 1:4-8); we are to be filled with joy instead of asking what, when, where, how.
  2. Jesus says, "Be witnesses to me."
  3. We ought to be able to receive our Lord's grace and mercy, we well as, His correction while still declaring Him to the world.

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